STEMbox: open your eyes and see the diversity!

Course info
  • A BEST Symposium on Education is an event where students discuss educational topics, together with university and other field experts. Students have the chance to identify current problems and propose innovative solutions, with the aim of defining the future of higher education in Europe. The gathered opinions are disseminated through scientific work and presented at conferences to universities, companies and higher education institutions representatives.

  • So, are you interested in shaping the future of higher education?
  • Are you considering yourself to be an independent thinker?
  • Then let's think independently together!

The BEST Symposium on Education in Skopje, "STEMbox: open your eyes and see diversity", will give you the opportunity to express your ideas on educational matters through discussions, workshops, sharing sessions and lectures. Together with professors, field experts and other european student participants you will tackle the topic of diversity in STEM education, emphasizing on race and ethnic diversity.

